Learning Lessons from Nature

In the wilderness, one comes to understand that there is an essence to life far greater than things in our material lives. The clearest evidence and greatest lessons about our essential spirituality are found in nature. That is why I go to the mountains when I want to reflect deeply and renew my spirit.

"There are immutable principles and laws which govern the natural universe; these principles are also the foundation for a just, ethical and peaceful world. It is vital that we seek greater understanding of these principles, as they can form the basis for universally...

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My Place of Worship

My Place of Worship

Nature is my place of worship. High on a summit after scaling steep slopes and rocky faces, I have met God. There, the ground is barren; nothing can survive that high.  The wind blows unhindered, ready to sweep me off the pinnacle. Below, the jagged rocks look up....

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