A Vision for a Unified Korea
by Hyun Jin Preston Moon
North Korea today is a rogue state threatening global peace and challenging the conscience of humanity. In the South, Koreans now face long-term social consequences from the pursuit of economic development at all costs. In Korean Dream, Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon presents an innovative way forward on the Korean peninsula. He explains lucidly why Korean unification is the ultimate answer to security, economic, and social problems created through 70 years of division.
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By clearly narrating that achieving unification is the first objective in fulfilling the Korean Dream, the book has shown us the task of our generation.
…I encourage readers to explore Korean Dream by Dr. Moon. It gives a cogent path to peace for the Koreas and the world.
Founder, Doley Securities Group
The time is ripe for Korea to experience peace. Success is possible. Believe in the dream. Read the book.
Evangelist and Author
This book takes a wonderful outside-the-box approach to Korean unification. It highlights the author’s insights based on thorough knowledge and details and his vision of a new nation that can unite Korean people all over the world.
Professor, Chungnam National University
Blogs on the Korean Dream
[In the Media] Weekly Chosun reports on Mongolia Forum on Korean unification
Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon has consistently advocated for Mongolia to play a role in facilitating critical discussions about Korean reunification and other regional issues, given its friendly diplomatic relations with both North and South Korea and the many lessons...
Washington Coalition Calls for Peaceful Unification of Korea on First North Korean Defectors’ Day
Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon’s vision-driven approach to the peaceful unification of the Korean peninsula has inspired a cross-sectoral, global movement to advance human rights, economic growth, and a model of national transformation. The newly inaugurated Alliance for Korea...
International Forum on One Korea 2024: Capitol Policy Forum Explores U.S. Support for a Free and Unified Korea
The latest International Forum on One Korea 2024, hosted in Washington, D.C., on June 6, 2024, highlighted two topics: the economy of a free and unified Korea and the human rights crisis that would be resolved through peaceful reunification.