by Main | May 6, 2015 | Global Peace Women, Lilian Samaniego, Local Conferences, Marlene Ocampos
The 7th Annual “Living for the Sake of Others Awards” honoring the selfless service of Paraguayan women was hosted at the National Congress in Asuncion, Paraguay on April 28, 2015. This year, nine women who have served the Paraguayan people in various...
by Main | Sep 26, 2014 | Extended Family Model, Global Peace Women, Local Conferences, National Transformation
Dr. Jun Sook Moon, Chairwoman of Global Peace Women delivered a powerful address at the recent Global Peace Women Leadership Conference in Seoul, Korea leading up to the Global Peace Leadership Conference the following week. The conference, attended by women leaders...
by Main | Mar 22, 2014 | 2011, Asia, Global Peace Leadership Conference, Global Peace Women
In her address at the Global Peace Leadership Conference in 2012, Dr. Jun Sook Moon pointed out that Korean unification is inherently tied to the fate all Koreans, including herself, who lives in the United States. “There is nothing abstract about the suffering of...
by Main | Mar 6, 2014 | Extended Family Model, Global Peace Women, Moral and Innovative Leadership, Video
“The dream of peace cannot be achieved without the support of women who constitute half of the world’s population. The original nature and the experience of women strengthen social activities and are essential to realizing the dream of establishing One Family under...
by Main | May 6, 2012 | 2012, Americas, Global Peace Women, National Transformation, Speeches
In May 5, 2012, Dr. Jun Sook Moon, Chairwoman of Global Peace Women spoke at the annual “Living for the Sake of Others” Awards in Paraguay. The award recognizes women who have contributed to Paraguayan society through public office, service, education and...