The Role of Family in Peace

The Role of Family in Peace

The Role of Family in Peace Original post from March 12, 2015. Updated on April 5, 2018. Family metaphors are frequently used to express a remarkable closeness or intimacy between people. Sayings such as, “he’s like a brother to me” or, “they’re like family” signifies...
Timeline of the Division of North and South Korea

Timeline of the Division of North and South Korea

Since its annexation by the Japanese government in 1910, the Korean people have longed to build a free, united, and independent homeland. Today, the continued division of the peninsula has also obscured Korea’s founding vision of Hongik Ingan, which was to...

The Civil Rights Movement of the 21st Century

The civil rights issue of the 21st century is the reunification of the Korean peninsula. It will bring to an end the terrible chapter of colonialism that the Korean people had to endure during the first half of the 20th century. It will close the book on the...