Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon

Realizing the Vision of One Family under God.

Thought Leader, Social Entrepreneur, Award-winning Author,
Man of Faith, Family Man.

Centennial Edition

Korean Dream:

A Vision for a Unified Korea

North Korea today is a rogue state threatening global peace and challenging the conscience of humanity. In the South, Koreans now face long-term social consequences from the pursuit of economic development at all costs. In Korean Dream, Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon presents an innovative way forward on the Korean peninsula. He explains lucidly why Korean unification is the ultimate answer to security, economic, and social problems created through 70 years of division.  

Busan | Gwangju | Cheonan | Daegu

February 2-18, 2023

Other Languages

Issues and Ideas

One Family under God

Faiths as a Catalyst for Peace

Faiths as a Catalyst for Peace

The vision of [One Family under God] can be a catalyst for raising up our spiritual consciousness to an even higher level beyond the individual level to that of family. Thus, it will provide us the ability to perceive more clearly the eternal principles governing...

A Basis and Vision for Peace in Our Divided World

A Basis and Vision for Peace in Our Divided World

[The] vision that can guide humanity to world peace is none other than One Family under God. It builds off the idea of God’s sovereignty as the source of all human rights and freedoms, as well as expanding those ideas to the level of the family. It recognizes the...

Celebrating the International Day of Conscience

Celebrating the International Day of Conscience

The 73rd UN General Assembly unanimously adopted resolution A/RES/73/329 declaring April 5th the International Day of Conscience. The resolution, sponsored by the Kingdom of Bahrain, called on members states of the United Nations to build a “Culture of Peace with Love...

Korean Dream

Universal Principles & Values

Life-Long Habits for Leadership Development: Self-discipline

Life-Long Habits for Leadership Development: Self-discipline

We are living in an unprecedented time that has shaken traditional systems in our societies around the world—from economy to education. With social distancing and quarantines in place, many schools have closed and provided both children and their parents with what can...

The Ideals that Sustain Our Nation

The Ideals that Sustain Our Nation

Benjamin Franklin was once asked whether the United States was a democracy or a Republic. To this, he was purported to have said, “a Republic, if you can keep it...” When the Founding Fathers established the United States of America, they designed it as a...

Moral & Innovative Leadership

A Call to Service: Remembering 9-11

A Call to Service: Remembering 9-11

Updated on 9/10/2019 Years have passed since the twin towers of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan were brought down by hijacked planes. The event brought to the fore the real challenge of the 21st century—not a clash of nation-states, but the threat of...

Africa is a Continent Vibrant with Possibilities

Read Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon's full speech delivered at the Global Peace Leadership Conference in Kampala, Uganda under the theme, “Moral and Innovative Leadership: New Models for Peace and Development,” on August 1-2, 2018, where he highlights the...