Family is the First School of Leadership and Character

Family is the First School of Leadership and Character

GPF supports efforts to strengthenfamilies as one of its central pillars. The family is the building-block of society. The love for one’s immediate family: brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, can expand to embrace society and ultimately the world. In the family, personalized lessons teach valuable skills like communication and central values like empathy, responsibility and honesty, all indispensable qualities of leadership.

Korean Character Shines at the Olympics

Korean Character Shines at the Olympics

The following is an abridged expert from the address given to Ambassador for Peace on August, 11, 2012 in Seoul, Korea. The 2012 Olympics have recently come to a close. There, the Korean people showed their true character to the world. Although this is a nation of...
Some Lessons from Horseback Riding

Some Lessons from Horseback Riding

I have been riding horses since I was a young boy, and I continue to learn many profound lessons from horseback riding. Recently I’ve had some time to ride horses with my children. Here are two lessons on leadership that we learned. You can lie to yourself but you...
Service for Peace

Service for Peace

Service is a core principle by which I live and a character  I teach my children. Expanding the culture of service is a personal mission of mine. Service is not merely for service’s sake. It is not simply the act of doing good deeds. It is much more. It is a means to...