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Results for "global peace leadership conference abuja"
Muslims and Christians find Peace through One Family under God Campaign

Muslims and Christians find Peace through One Family under God Campaign

“We can come together in agreement because we share common principles and values that can move the human family forward in building a world of peace. And that is the great contribution of this great work.” Global Peace Leadership Conference Abuja 2013, Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon

Dr. Jun Sook Moon Addresses at Global Peace Convention 2013

Dr. Jun Sook Moon Addresses at Global Peace Convention 2013

On December 6th, during the Global Peace Convention 2013 held in the Shangri La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dr. Jun Sook Moon, chairwoman of the Global Peace Women spoke during a special session on Women and Peacebuilding entitled, "Toward and Ethic of Compassion...