I believe we stand at a moment of historic transition.

Humanity is being challenged to take responsibility for the future and answer this fundamental question.

In the words of my father, who devoted his entire life to the pursuit of peace, “Will everlasting peace ever take root? Or is humanity doomed to repeat the tragedy of the 20th century?”

a century fraught with unprecedented levels of human violence, with two World Wars, the Cold War, genocide, and numerous regional conflicts.

The time for discussion is over.

The time for leadership is here.

True leaders have a vision and pursue it single-mindedly.

Their strength comes from moral authority, like our beloved statesman, Nelson Mandela. That moral authority is rooted in spiritual principles that are then mobilized to engage social change.



Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, Global Peace Foundation chairman at the Global Peace Convention.

Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, Global Peace Foundation chairman at the Global Peace Convention.

full-page-dividerThe quote is taken from the opening plenary address at the Global Peace Convention 2013 given by Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, Chairman of the Global Peace Foundation.