“The original nature and experience of women strengthens social cohesion and is essential to realizing the dream of establishing One Family under God.” –Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon
“Peace begins in the home!”
Encompassing the importance of family in establishing world peace, this phrase is used time and time again by women leaders who understand the unique role daughters, sisters, wives, and mothers have to play in raising healthy families as the cornerstone of peaceful societies.
Hosted by the women’s division of Global Peace Foundation Uruguay, a forum was held under the theme, “The Importance of the Extended Family for the Transmission of Values.” Global Peace Women Uruguay President, Ms. Nibia Pizzo, called upon participants to advance the important work of promoting strong families and shared values. “If we do not raise the banners of love and family values the world will move forward like a body without a mind,” she said. “It’s important to consider how we can actually practice and implement the extended family spirit in society,” she emphasized further.

Former first lady of Uruguay, Ms. Maria Julia Pou de Lacalle
Former first lady of Uruguay and noted international humanitarian, Ms. Maria Julia Pou de Lacalle, spoke on the important role the family plays in cultivating basic values such as trust, loyalty, solidarity and honesty that uphold a society.
In support of the extended family model, GPW Uruguay has been helping single mothers with parenting education. After the event, GPW Uruguay members visited the Hogar Paulina Luisi Shelter to donate gifts and spend time with the vulnerable young girls housed there. GPW Uruguay has been working tirelessly to uphold the value and dignity of women, and hosted their first “Living for the Sake of Others” awards ceremony in May of 2016, recognizing outstanding women in Uruguay for their sacrifice and contribution to the nation.
The original post appears on Global Peace Foundation. Global Peace Foundation is an international non-sectarian, non-partisan, nonprofit organization, which promotes an innovative, values-based approach to peacebuilding, guided by the vision of One Family under God. GPF engages and organizes a global network of public and private-sector partners who develop community, national, and regional peace building models as the foundation for ethical and cohesive societies. Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon is founder and chairman of the Global Peace Foundation.