Every one of us has been blessed with a mother.  I want to recognize the mothers of the world for their selfless investment in giving life and raising the next generation of humanity.

Celebrating Mother's Day

credits istockphoto

A mother carries her children in her womb for nine months. Literally, her body is her children’s.  She takes careful consideration of her diet and health, knowing that her energy and time are for the new life growing inside. Mothers invest body and soul into the sacred process of bringing the next generation of life into this world. They are real examples of what it means to live for the sake of another.

Mothers are also the first educators. They are pivotal to forming the foundations of their children’s character. I believe in the innate goodness of a mother’s heart. A mother strives to provide the best classroom in the family for her children to learn to love. She teaches her children how to respect elders, care for their siblings and the natural world, and carry a sense of greater good.  She also demonstrates unconditional love. She will always encourage her children to see and strive for the best of themselves.  No matter what mistakes her children may make, she believes that they can live righteous and fulfilled lives. It is this attitude of optimism and conviction that inspires children to get better with every generation.

As such, the role of mothers is critical for our world today. Their indiscriminate love and selfless investment can melt the barriers which separate and divide humanity. Their care and nurturing can unlock new models of development that consider the well-being of each individuals and the conservation of the environment. Their commitment to a better life for their children can inspire each generation to become better.

Many nations around the world celebrate Mother’s Day in May. Hungary, Netherlands, Spain celebrated their mothers earlier this month.  Korea just had Parents Day on May 8.  The United States, India, Japan, South Africa, and nations in South America will celebrate their mothers this weekend.

Let us take time to recognize the mothers of the world. Let us never diminish or take for granted their powerful role and tremendous contributions in each of the lives their touch, including ours.