Through service, everyone becomes a catalyst for building connections and collectively generating solutions. The timeless ethic of serving others engages everyone, both foreign and local, in the process of building better and more sustainable families, communities and nations.” -Dr. Hyun Jin Moon on the power of service
Soon after the 7.8 richter scale earthquake shook the foundations of Nepal on April 25, Global Peace Foundation International President James Flynn issued a call to action, “Now is an important time to demonstrate our concern for all in our human family, by responding quickly with disaster relief, but also by committing our support to the people of Nepal for their long-term recovery.”
More than a month has passed, and a story is emerging– from relief workers, to local volunteers like the Global Peace Foundation supported #RiseNepal team that has enlisted the efforts of more than 800 individuals, of an ongoing commitment to Nepal’s rapid and sustainable recovery as One Family Under God.
A blog published on the Global Peace Foundation reflects:
“In trying times of conflict and natural disasters, the human spirit can be challenged and pushed to its limits. But through these challenges we are also able to witness the power of the human spirit and reconfirm that we are indeed connected as one family.
Inspiring examples include the #RiseNepal volunteers who bravely and selflessly work to rebuild their nation from the devastation of the April 25th earthquake. Their efforts and the support coming from all over the world, affirm a truth that when we come together, we can find solutions.
I remember seeing a photo of a 4 month old infant being pulled out of the debris that surfaced just days after the first earthquake. The smiles on the recue workers’ faces and the smile that spread across my own face when I read the story confirmed that we share in the moments of grief and joy across perceived boundaries.
Such moments remind us of our connectedness. We don’t need a common language, nationality, or even religion to share in these moments, we just naturally respond. We are moved by actions that acknowledge the preciousness of each life, and we are inspired when we witness individuals coming together to serve the greater good.”

Candle vigils in Nepal and New Zealand, and messages of hope and encouragement have come from around the world to express the solidarity of our human family.
There is an emptiness for loved ones who have passed and trauma from sudden devastation, but Nepal is rebuilding. At the end of May, Nepal officially reopened schools, establishing sense of normalcy for students.
There are still many challenges ahead such as the rush to deliver basic supplies to remote regions and provide shelter for displaced families before the impending monsoon season, but the world remains committed and inspired.
#RiseNepal, a volunteer effort supported by the Global Peace Foundation and other members of the Asia Pacific Peace and Development Alliance, has launched the “Shelter of Hope” campaign to provide 1,000 shelters for displaced families in Nepal before monsoon season. $120 purchases materials for 1 shelter. Donate today.
For the full original blog visit: