Building Strong Families, Quality time with my son, building a fire together. Dr. Moon

Quality time with my son, building a fire together.

I come from a very big family. My brothers and sisters and I are all very different. Sometimes we joke, “Did we all come from the same parents?”

Now I am a father. When I look at my children I think, “My goodness, all of them are so different.” But I am not troubled by each child’s uniqueness. Instead, I feel blessed to have such diversity in my family.

As fathers, I hope that we can strive for the highest standard of love, where there are no distances or barriers — true unconditional love. I hope we can love our children just as God has embraced and challenged each of us in true love.

This is the foundation of strong families that are the school of love. In such families, different individuals can harmoniously live together. Parents and children can  learn to embody the selfless culture of true love and embrace humanity as one family. This is the model of lasting peace.